Your search returned 4 results.

Mathematical models in developmental biology/ Stephen Childress and Jerome K. Percus. by
  • Childress, Stephen
  • Percus, Jerome K. (Jerome Kenneth)
  • Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Publication details: New York: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 1978
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 571.82 C536m 1978 IMPA.

Mathematical models in developmental biology/ Jerome K. Percus, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Physics, New York University, Stephen Childress, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. by
  • Percus, Jerome K. (Jerome Kenneth)
  • Childress, Stephen
Series: Courant lecture notes in mathematics ; 26.
Publisher: New York, New York: Providence, Rhode Island: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; American Mathematical Society, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 577.1 P429m 2015 IMPA.

Mathematics, developmental biology, and tumour growth: UIMP-RSME Luís A. Santaló Summer School, September 11-15, 2006, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain/ Fernando Giráldez, Miguel A. Herrero, editors. by
  • UIMP-RSME Lluis Santaló Summer (2006: Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo)
  • Giráldez, Fernando, 1952-
  • Herrero, M. A. (Miguel Angel)
  • Universidad Internacional Menandez Pelayo
  • American Mathematical Society
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 492.
Publication details: [Madrid, Spain]; Providence, R.I.: Real Sociedad Matemática Española; American Mathematical Society: c2009
Other title:
  • Mathematics, developmental biology, and tumor growth
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Lindenmayer systems: structure, languages, and growth functions/ P.M.B. Vitányi. by
  • Vitányi, P. M. B
Series: Mathematical Centre tracts ; 96.
Publication details: Amsterdam ; Mathematisch Centrum, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.3 V837l 1980 IMPA.

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