Your search returned 3 results.

Periodic orbits, stability and resonances. Proceedings of a symposium conducted by the University of São Paulo, the Technical Institute of Aeronautics of São José dos Campos, and the National Observatory of Rio de Janeiro, at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, 4-12 September, 1969/ edited by G. E. O. Giacaglia. by
  • Giacaglia, Giorgio E. O, 1935- [ed.]
  • Universidade de São Paulo
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (Centro Técnico Aeroespacial)
  • Observatório Nacional (Brazil)
  • International Symposium on Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances (1969 : University of São Paulo)
Publication details: Dordrecht ; Reidel, [1970]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.35 P445 1970 IMPA.

Sistemas dinâmicos não integraveis. by
  • Giacaglia, Giorgio E. O, 1935-
Publication details: São Paulo: USP, 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Perturbation methods in non-linear systems/ G. E. O. Giacaglia. by
  • Giacaglia, Giorgio E. O, 1935-
Series: Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) ; v. 8.
Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.39 G429p 1972 IMPA.

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