Your search returned 85 results.

Multivariate analysis in behavioural research/ A. E. Maxwell. by
  • Maxwell, A. E. (Albert Ernest)
Series: Monographs on applied probability and statistics
Publication details: London: New York: Chapman & Hall, Wiley, 1977
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519 M465m 1977 IMPA.

Risk and asset allocation/ Meucci Attilio. by
  • Meucci, Attilio
Series: Springer finance
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 332 M597r 2005 IMPA, ...

An introduction to multivariable analysis: from vector to manifold/ Piotr Mikusinski, Michael D. Taylor. by
  • Mikusinski, Piotr
  • Taylor, Michael D. (Michael Dee), 1940-
Publication details: Boston: Birkhäuser, c2002
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 M636i 2002 IMPA.

Multivariate statistical methods/ Donald F. Morrison. by
  • Morrison, Donald F
Series: McGraw-Hill series in probability and statistics
Edition: 2d ed.
Publication details: New York: McGraw-Hill, c1976
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 M878m 1976 IMPA.

Aspects of multivariate statistical theory/ Robb J. Muirhead. by
  • Muirhead, Robb J. (Robb John), 1946-
Series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics. Probability and mathematical statistics
Publication details: New York: Wiley, c1982
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 M953a 1982 IMPA.

Analysis of categorical data: dual scaling and its applications/ Shizuhiko Nishisato. by
  • Nishisato, Shizuhiko, 1935-
Series: Mathematical expositions ; no. 24.
Publication details: Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 N724a 1980 IMPA.

The analysis of categorical data/ R. L. Plackett. by
  • Plackett, R. L
Series: Griffin's statistical monographs and courses ; no. 35
Publication details: London: Griffin, 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Applied multivariate analysis: using Bayesian and frequentist methods of inference/ S. James Press. by
  • Press, S. James
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Huntington, N.Y.: R. E. Krieger, 1982
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 P935a 1982 IMPA.

Applied multivariate analysis/ S. James Press. by
  • Press, S. James
Series: Series in quantitative methods for decision making | International series in decision processes
Publication details: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1972]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 P935a 1972 IMPA.

Nonparametric methods in multivariate analysis/ [by] Madan Lal Puri [and] Pranab Kumar Sen. by
  • Puri, Madan Lal
  • Sen, Pranab Kumar, 1937- [joint author.]
Series: A Wiley publication in mathematical statistics
Publication details: New York: Wiley, [1971]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.5 P985n 1971 IMPA.

Goodness-of-fit statistics for discrete multivariate data/ Timothy R. C. Read, Noel A. C. Cressie. by
  • Read, Timothy R. C
  • Cressie, Noel A. C
Series: Springer series in statistics
Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 R282g 1988 IMPA.

Akaike information criterion statistics/ Y. Sakamoto, M. Ishiguro, and G. Kitagawa. by
  • Sakamoto, Y. (Yosiyuki), 1943-
  • Ishiguro, M. (Makio), 1946-
  • Kitagawa, G. (Genshiro), 1948-
Series: Mathematics and its applications (D. Reidel Publishing Company). Japanese series.
Language: English Original language: Japanese
Publication details: Tokyo: Dordrecht ; Boston: Hingham, MA: KTK Scientific Publishers, D. Reidel, c1986
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.5 S158a 1986 IMPA.

The statistical analysis of discrete data/ Thomas J. Santner, Diane E. Duffy. by
  • Santner, Thomas J, 1947-
  • Duffy, Diane E
Series: Springer texts in statistics
Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, c1989
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 S236s 1989 IMPA.

Multivariate observations/ G. A. F. Seber. by
  • Seber, G. A. F. (George Arthur Frederick), 1938-
Series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics. Probability and mathematical statistics
Publication details: New York: Wiley, c1984
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 S443m 1984 IMPA.

An introduction to multivariate statistics/ M. S. Srivastava, C. G. Khatri. by
  • Srivastava, M. S
  • Khatri, C. G [joint author.]
Publication details: New York: North-Holland, c1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 S774i 1979 IMPA.

Coordinate-free multivariable statistics: an illustrated geometric progression from Halmos to Gauss and Bayes/ Mervyn Stone. by
  • Stone, Mervyn
Series: Oxford statistical science series ; 2.
Publication details: Oxford: New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 S879c 1987 IMPA.

Longitudinal categorical data analysis/ Brajendra C. Sutradhar. by
  • Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra, 1952-
Series: Springer series in statistics
Publication details: New York: Springer, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 S966l 2014 IMPA.

The foundations of multivariate analysis: a unified approach by means of projection onto linear subspaces/ Kei Takeuchi, Haruo Yanai, Bishwa Nath Mukherjee. by
  • Takeuchi, Kei, 1933-
  • Yanai, Haruo, 1940-
  • Mukherjee, Bishwa Nath
Publication details: New York: Wiley, c1982
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.535 T136f 1982 IMPA.

Multivariate analysis; techniques for educational and psychological research/ Maurice M. Tatsuoka. by
  • Tatsuoka, Maurice M
Publication details: New York: Wiley, [1971]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 T219m 1971 IMPA.

Identification and informative sample size/ H. H. Tigelaar. by
  • Tigelaar, H. H
Series: Mathematical Centre tracts ; 147.
Publication details: Amsterdam ; Mathematisch Centrum, 1982
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 T566i 1982 IMPA.

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