Your search returned 82 results.

The Newton papers: the strange and true odyssey of Isaac Newton's manuscripts/ Sarah Dry. by
  • Dry, Sarah, 1974-
Publisher: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2014]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 D798n 2014 IMPA.

Studies in the scientific and mathematical philosophy of Charles S. Peirce: essays/ by Carolyn Eisele ; edited by R. M. Martin. by
  • Eisele, Carolyn
  • Martin, R. M. (Richard Milton), 1916-
Series: Studies in philosophy (Mouton Publishers) ; 29.
Publication details: The Hague: New York: Mouton, 1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 E36s 1979 IMPA.

What do YOU care what other people think?: further adventures of a curious character/ Richard P. Feynman, as told to Ralph Leighton. by
  • Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
  • Leighton, Ralph
Edition: 1st ed.
Publication details: New York: Norton, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 530.092 F435w 1988 IMPA.

What do you care what other people think?: further adventures of a curious character/ Richard P. Feynman ; as told to Ralph Leighton. by
  • Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
  • Leighton, Ralph
Publication details: New York: Bantam Books, 1989
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 F435w 1989 IMPA.

Girolamo Cardano, 1501-1576: physician, natural philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, and interpreter of dreams/ Markus Fierz ; translated by Helga Niman. by
  • Fierz, Markus
Language: engger
Publication details: Boston: Birkhäuser, 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 F465g 1983 IMPA.

Baroque science/ Ofer Gal, Raz Chen-Morris. by
  • Gal, Ofer
  • Chen-Morris, Raz
Publisher: Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 G146b 2013 IMPA.

Lazare Carnot savant: a monograph treating Carnot's scientific work/ with facsim. reproduction of his unpublished writings on mechanics and on the calculus, and an essay concerning the latter by A. P. Youschkevitch. by
  • Gillispie, Charles Coulston
  • Carnot, Lazare, 1753-1823
  • Jushkevich, A. P. (Adolf Pavlovich), 1906-
Language: engfre
Publication details: Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 G481l 1971 IMPA.

Tales of physicists and mathematicians/ Semyon Grigorevich Gindikin ; translated by Alan Shuchat. by
  • Gindikin, S. G. (Semen Grigorevich)
Language: engrus
Publication details: Boston: Birkhäuser, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 G492t 1988 IMPA.

The Newton handbook/ Derek Gjertsen. by
  • Gjertsen, Derek
Publication details: London: New York: Routledge & K. Paul, 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 G539n 1986 IMPA.

Linus Pauling: a life in science and politics/ Ted Goertzel and Ben Goertzel, with the assistance of Mildred Goertzel, Victor Goertzel, with original drawings by Gwen Goertzel. by
  • Goertzel, Ted George
  • Goertzel, Ben
Publication details: New York: Basic Books, c1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 G597l 1995 IMPA.

Physical science in the Middle Ages/ Edward Grant. by
  • Grant, Edward, 1926-
Series: History of science
Publication details: Cambridge, UK: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 509.4 G761p 1977 IMPA.

The Cambridge Philosophical Society: a history, 1819-1969/ A. Rupert Hall. by
  • Hall, A. Rupert (Alfred Rupert), 1920-
Publication details: [Cambridge, Eng.]: Scientific Periodical Library, 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 H174c 1969 IMPA.

Jean d'Alembert: science and the Enlightenment/ by Thomas L. Hankins. by
  • Hankins, Thomas L
Publication details: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 H241j 1970 IMPA.

Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und C. G. Jacob Jacobi/ herausgegeben von Herbert Pieper. by
  • Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859
  • Jacobi, C. G. J. (Carl Gustav Jakob), 1804-1851
  • Pieper, Herbert
Series: Beitrage zur Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschung ; 11.
Publication details: Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 H919b 1987 IMPA.

Critical problems in the history of science: proceedings of the Institute for the History of Science at the University of Wisconsin, September 1-11, 1957/ edited by Marshall Clagett. by
  • Institute for the History of Science (1957: University of Wisconsin)
  • Clagett, Marshall, 1916- [ed.]
Publication details: Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 C934 1962 IMPA.

The growth of physical science/ James Jeans. by
  • Jeans, Jeans
Series: Cambridge library collection. Mathematical sciences
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Cambridge, MA; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009
Other title:
  • Physical science
Availability: Items available for loan: IMPATECH (2)Call number: 509 J43g 2009 IMPA TECH, ...

Origins of the scientific revolution/ [by] Hugh Kearney. by
  • Kearney, Hugh F [ed.]
Series: Problems and perspectives in history
Publication details: New York: Barnes & Noble, [1968, c1964]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 K25o 1968 IMPA.

Turing by
  • Lassegue, Jean
Series: Figures du savoir ; 12
Publication details: Paris: Belles lettres, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 L347t 1998 IMPA.

Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'à la fin du 17e siècle/ Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausg. Paris 1838-41. by
  • Libri, Guillaume, 1803-1869
Language: freitalat
Publication details: Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (4)Call number: 510.9 L697h 1967 IMPA, ...

Certain philosophical questions: Newton's Trinity notebook/ J. E. McGuire, Martin Tamny. by
  • McGuire, J. E
  • Tamny, Martin
  • Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727
Publication details: Cambridge, UK: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 M478c 1983 IMPA.

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