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Your search returned 387 results.

Journées de statistique des processus stochastiques: proceedings, Grenoble, juin 1977/ édité par Didier Dacunha-Castelle et Bernard van Cutsem. by
  • Journées de statistique des processus stochastiques (1977 : Grenoble, France)
  • Dacunha-Castelle, Didier
  • Cutsem, Bernard van, 1932-
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 636.
Publication details: Berlin ; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Some random series of functions/ Jean-Pierre Kahane. by
  • Kahane, Jean-Pierre
Series: Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics ; 5
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Cambridge, UK: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515 K12s 1985 IMPA.

Mathematical methods for construction of queueing models/ V. V. Kalashnikov, S. T. Rachev. by
  • Kalashnikov, Vladimir Viacheslavovich
  • Rachev, S. T. (Svetlozar Todorov)
Series: Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole statistics/probability series
Language: English Original language: Russian
Publication details: Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, c1990
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.82 K14m 1990 IMPA.

Stochastic linear programming/ Peter Kall. by
  • Kall, Peter
Series: Okonometrie und Unternehmensforschung ; 21.
Publication details: Berlin ; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1976
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.72 K14s 1976 IMPA.

Linear programming and finite Markovian control problems/ L.C.M. Kallenberg. by
  • Kallenberg, L. C. M
Series: Mathematical Centre tracts ; 148.
Publication details: Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum, c1983
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.233 K14l 1983 IMPA.

Stochastic filtering theory/ Gopinath Kallianpur. by
  • Kallianpur, G
Series: Applications of mathematics ; 13.
Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, c1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 K14s 1980 IMPA.

A second course in stochastic processes/ Samuel Karlin, Howard M. Taylor. by
  • Karlin, Samuel, 1923-
  • Taylor, Howard M [joint author.]
Publication details: New York: Academic Press, c1981
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.23 K18s 1981 IMPA.

A first course in stochastic processes/ Samuel Karlin. by
  • Karlin, Samuel, 1923-
Edition: [2d print., enl.]
Publication details: New York: Academic Press, [1968]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

A first course in stochastic processes/ Samuel Karlin, Howard M. Taylor. by
  • Karlin, Samuel, 1923-
  • Taylor, Howard M [joint author.]
Edition: 2d ed.
Publication details: New York: Academic Press, [1975]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.23 K18f 1975 IMPA.

Heavy traffic limits for multiphase queues/ F. I. Karpelevich, A. Ya. Kreinin. by
  • Karpelevich, F. I. (Fridrikh Izrailevich)
  • Kreinin, A. Ya
Series: Translations of mathematical monographs ; v.137.
Language: English Original language: Russian
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1994
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.82 K18h 1994 IMPA.

Dynamic stochastic models from empirical data/ R. L. Kashyap, A. Ramachandra Rao. by
  • Kashyap, Rangasami L. (Rangasami Laksminarayana), 1938-
  • Rao, Adiseshappa Ramachendra, 1939- [joint author.]
Series: Mathematics in science and engineering ; v. 122.
Publication details: New York: Academic Press, 1976
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 K19d 1976 IMPA.

Reversibility and stochastic networks/ F. P. Kelly. by
  • Kelly, F. P. (Frank P.)
Series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics
Publication details: Chichester; New York: Wiley, c1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.22 K29r 1979 IMPA.

Stochastic stability of differential equations/ R.Z. Hasminskii ; translated by D. Louvish, edited by S. Swierczkowski. by
  • Khasminskii, R. Z. (Rafail Zalmanovich)
Series: Monographs and textbooks on mechanics of solids and fluids
Language: engrus
Publication details: Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands ; Rockville, MD: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.35 K45s 1980 IMPA.

Random perturbations of dynamical systems/ Yuri Kifer. by
  • Kifer, Yuri, 1948-
Series: Progress in probability and statistics ; v. 16.
Publication details: Boston: Birkhäuser, 1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 K47r 1988 IMPA.

Stochastic processes with applications to finance/ Masaaki Kijima. by
  • Kijima, Masaaki, 1957-
Publication details: Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.23 K47s 2003 IMPA.

Random allocations/ Valentin F. Kolchin, Boris A. Sevastyanov, Vladimir P. Chistyakov ; translation ed., A. V. Balakrishnan. by
  • Kolchin, V. F. (Valentin Fedorovich)
  • Sevastyanov, B. A. (Boris Aleksandrovich) [joint author.]
  • Chistiakov, V. P. (Vladimir Pavlovich) [joint author.]
Series: Scripta series in mathematics
Language: engrus
Publication details: Washington, DC: New York: V.H. Winston, Halsted Press, 1978
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 K81r 1978 IMPA.

Semiclassical analysis for diffusions and stochastic processes/ Vassili N. Kolokoltsov. by
  • Kolokoltsov, V. N. (Vasilii Nikitich)
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1724.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Phase transitions of interacting particle systems/ Norio Konno. by
  • Konno, Norio
Publication details: Singapore: River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, c1994
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 530.474 K82p 1994 IMPA.

Theory of probability and random processes/ Leonid B. Koralov, Yakov G. Sinai. by
  • Koralov, Leonid B
  • Sinai, Yakov Grigorevich, 1935-
Series: Universitext
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 K84t 2007 IMPA.

Stochastic theory of service systems/ by L. Kosten. by
  • Kosten, Leendert
Series: International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics ; v. 103
Edition: [1st ed.]
Publication details: Oxford: New York: Pergamon Press, [1973]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 658.4 K86s 1973 IMPA.

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