Your search returned 283 results.

Saddlepoint approximation methods in financial engineering/ Yue Kuen Kwok, Wendong Zheng. by
  • Kwok, Y. K. (Yue-Kuen), 1957-
  • Zheng, Wendong [author.]
Series: SpringerBriefs in quantitative finance
Publisher: Cham, Switzerland: Springer, [2018]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.73 K98s 2018 IMPA.

Theory of difference equations: numerical methods and applications/ V. Lakshmikantham, D. Trigiante. by
  • Lakshmikantham, V, 1926-
  • Trigiante, D
Series: Mathematics in science and engineering ; v. 181.
Publication details: Boston: Academic Press, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.625 L192t 1988 IMPA.

Computational methods in ordinary differential equations/ by J. D. Lambert. by
  • Lambert, J. D. (John Denholm), 1932-
Series: Introductory mathematics for scientists and engineers
Publication details: London: New York: Wiley, [1973]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.352 L222c 1973 IMPA.

Ill-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis/ by M.M. Lavrenev V.G. Romanov, S.P. Shishatskii ; translated from the Russian by J.R. Schulenberger ; translation edited by Lev J. Leifman. by
  • Lavrentev, M. M. (Mikhail Mikhailovich)
  • Romanov, V. G. (Vladimir Gavrilovich)
  • Shishatskii, S. P. (Sergei Petrovich)
Series: Translations of mathematical monographs ; v. 64.
Language: engrus
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1986
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 530.1 L414i 1986 IMPA.

Linear operators and ill-posed problems/ M. M. Lavrentèv and L. Ya. Savelèv ; translated from Russian by Nauka Publishers, Moscow. by
  • Lavrentev, M. M. (Mikhail Mikhailovich)
  • Savelev, L. Ya. (Lev Yakovlevich)
Language: English Original language: Russian
Publication details: New York: Consultants Bureau, c1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.7246 L414l 1995 IMPA.

Topics in spectral geometry / Michael Levitin, Dan Mangoubi, Iosif Polterovich. by
  • Levitin, Michael, 1963- [author.]
  • Mangoubi, Dan, 1974- [author.]
  • Polterovich, Iosif, 1974- [author.]
Series: Graduate studies in mathematics ; v. 237.
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2023]Copyright date: ©2023
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 516.07 L666t 2024 IMPA.

Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability. Daniel Li (Université d'Artois, France), Hervé Queffélec (Université de Lille I, France) ; translated from the French by Daniáele Gibbons and Greg Gibbons. by
  • Li, Daniel [author.]
  • Queffélec, Hervé [author.]
  • Gibbons, Danièle [translator.]
  • Gibbons, Greg [translator.]
Series: Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics ; 166.
Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 515.732 L693i 2018 IMPA, ...

Programming for computations - MATLAB/Octave: a gentle introduction to numerical simulations with MATLAB/Octave/ Svein Linge, Hans Petter Langtangen. by
  • Linge, Svein [author.]
  • Langtangen, Hans Petter, 1962-
Series: Texts in computational science and engineering ; 14.
Publisher: Switzerland: Springer, 2016
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 004 L755p 2016 IMPA.

Theoretical numerical analysis: an introduction to advanced techniques/ Peter Linz. by
  • Linz, Peter
Series: Pure and applied mathematics
Publication details: New York: Wiley, c1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.4 L762t 1979 IMPA.

Cours d'analyse numérique/ J. L. Lions. by
  • Lions, Jacques Louis
Publication details: [Paris]: Hermann, 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 511.7 L763c 1974 IMPA, ...

Finite element mesh generation/ Daniel S.H. Lo. by
  • Lo, Dan
Publisher: Boca Raton: CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group, [2015]
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518.25 L795f 2015 IMPA.

Elements of numerical analysis with Mathematica/ John Loustau, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA. by
  • Loustau, John, 1943-
Publisher: New Jersey: World Scientific, 2018Publisher: [Place of publication not identified]: World Scientific, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 L892e 2018 IMPA.

Exercises in Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations/ Tom Lyche, Georg Muntingh and Ryan Øyvind. by
  • Lyche, Tom
  • Muntingh, Georg
  • Ryan, Oyvind
Publication details: [S.l.]: Springer Nature, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.5 L981e 2020 IMPA.

Methods of numerical mathematics/ G. I. Marchuk ; translated by Jiri Ruzicka. by
  • Marchuk, G. I. (Gurii Ivanovich), 1925-
Series: Applications of mathematics ; v. 2.
Language: engrus
Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, 1975
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.4 M318m 1975 IMPA.

The robust multigrid technique: for black-box software/ Sergey I. Martynenko. by
  • Martynenko, Sergey I [author.]
Publisher: Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, [2017]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 M388r 2017 IMPA.

Multilevel adaptive methods for partial differential equations/ Stephen F. McCormick. by
  • McCormick, S. F. (Stephen Fahrney), 1944-
Series: Frontiers in applied mathematics ; 6.
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.353 M478m 1989 IMPA.

Approximation von Funktionen und ihre numerische Behandlung. by
  • Meinardus, Günther, 1926-
Series: Springer tracts in natural philosophy ; v. 4
Publication details: Berlin: New York: Springer, 1964
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.5 M514a 1964 IMPA.

Numerical calculus; approximations, interpolation, finite differences, numerical integration and curve fitting. by
  • Milne, William Edmund, 1890-
Publication details: Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1949
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 M659n 1949 IMPA.

Numerical computing with MATLAB/ Cleve B. Moler. by
  • Moler, Cleve B
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, c2004
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518.028 M718n 2004 IMPA.

Methods and applications of interval analysis/ Ramon E. Moore. by
  • Moore, Ramon E
Series: SIAM studies in applied mathematics ; 2
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.42 M823m 1979 IMPA.

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