Advances in discrete and computational geometry: proceedings of the 1996 AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, Discrete and Computational Geometry--Ten Years Later, July 14-18, 1996, Mount Holyoke College/ Bernard Chazelle, Jacob E. Goodman, Richard Pollack, editors. by
- Chazelle, B. (Bernard)
- Goodman, Jacob E
- Pollack, Richard D
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences, "Discrete and Computational Geometry: Ten Years Later" (1996: Mount Holyoke College)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 223.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Algebraic K-theory: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Algebraic K-Theory, July 13-24, 1997, University of Washington, Seattle/ Wayne Raskind, Charles Weibel, editors. by
- Raskind, Wayne, 1959-
- Weibel, Charles A, 1950-
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Algebraic K-Theory (1997: University of Washington, Seattle)
Series: Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics ; v. 67
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.55 A395 1999 IMPA.
Found in Open Library:
Computability theory and its applications: current trends and open problems : proceedings of a 1999 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Computability Theory and Applications, June 13-17, 1999, University of Colorado, Boulder/ Peter A. Cholak ...[et al.], editors. by
- Cholak, Peter, 1962-
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Computability Theory and Applications (1999: University of Colorado, Boulder)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 257.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
The Penrose transform and analytic cohomology in representation theory: AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference, June 27 to July 3, 1992, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts/ Michael Eastwood, Joseph Wolf, Roger Zierau, editors. by
- Eastwood, Michael G
- Wolf, Joseph Albert, 1936-
- Zierau, Roger, 1956-
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on the Penrose Transform and Analytic Cohomology in Representation Theory (1992: Mount Holyoke College)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 154.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Advances in quantum dynamics: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Advances in Quantum Dynamics, June 16 - 20, 2002, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts/ Geoffrey L. Price, editor-in-chief. by
- Price, Geoffrey L, 1952-
- Joint Summer Research Conference on Advances in Quantum Dynamics <2002, South Hadley, Mass.>
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Advances in Quantum Dynamics (South Hadley, Mass, 2002)
Series: Contemporary mathematics ; 335
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Surveys on discrete and computational geometry: twenty years later : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 18-22, 2006, Snowbird, Utah/ Jacob E. Goodman, János Pach, Richard Pollack, editors. by
- Goodman, Jacob E
- Pach, János
- Pollack, Richard D
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Discrete and Computational Geometry - Twenty Years Later (2006: Snowbird, Utah)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 453
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Symplectic topology and measure preserving dynamical systems: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 1-5, 2007, Snowbird, Utah/ Albert Fathi, Yong-Geun Oh, Claude Viterbo, editors. by
- Fathi, Albert
- Oh, Yong-Geun, 1961-
- Viterbo, Claude, 1961-
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference (2007: Snowbird, Utah)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 512.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2010
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Perspectives on quantization: proceedings of the 1996 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 7-11, 1996, Mt. Holyoke College/ Lewis A. Coburn, Marc A. Rieffel, editors. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference (1996 : Mt. Holyoke College)
- Coburn, Lewis A, 1940-
- Rieffel, Marc A. (Marc Aristide), 1937-
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 214.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Control methods in PDE-dynamical systems: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 3-7, 2005, Snowbird, Utah/ Fabio Ancona ... [et al.], editors. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference (2005: Snowbird, Utah)
- Ancona, Fabio, 1964-
Series: Contemporary mathematics ; 426,
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Representation theory of real reductive Lie groups: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 4-8, 2006, Snowbird, Utah/ James Arthur, Wilfried Schmid, Peter E. Trapa, editors. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference (2006: Snowbird, Utah)
- Arthur, James G, 1944-
- Schmid, Wilfried, 1943-
- Trapa, Peter E, 1974-
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 472.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Fluids and plasmas: geometry and dynamics/ Jerrold E. Marsden, editor. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Fluids and Plasmas, Geometry and Dynamics (1983 : University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Marsden, Jerrold E
- American Mathematical Society
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- AMS-SIAM-IMS Summer Research Conference (1983 : Boulder, Colo.)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 28.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1984
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Group actions on manifolds/ Reinhard Schultz, editor. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Group Actions on Manifolds (1983 : University of Colorado)
- Schultz, Reinhard, 1943-
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 36.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Random matrices and their applications: proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 17-23, 1984, with support from the National Science Foundation/ Joel E. Cohen, Harry Kesten, and Charles M. Newman, editors. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Random Matrices and Their Applications (1984 : Bowdoin College)
- Cohen, Joel E
- Kesten, Harry, 1931-
- Newman, Charles M. (Charles Michael), 1946-
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 50.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1986
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
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