Sneak circuits of power electronic converters /
Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu.
- First edition.
- 1 PDF (350 pages).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; TItle Page; Copyright; Contents; About the Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 Sneak Circuit and Power Electronic Systems; 1.1 Reliability of Power Electronic Systems; 1.2 Sneak Circuit; 1.2.1 Definition of Sneak Circuit; 1.2.2 Examples of Sneak Circuits; 1.2.3 Basic Causes of Sneak Circuit; 1.3 Sneak Circuit Analysis; 1.3.1 Definition of Sneak Circuit Analysis; 1.3.2 History of Sneak Circuit Analysis; 1.3.3 Methods of Sneak Circuit Analysis; 1.3.4 Benefits of Sneak Circuit Analysis; 1.3.5 Relationship between Sneak Circuit Analysis and other Safety Techniques. 1.4 Power Electronic System and Sneak Circuit Analysis1.5 Arrangement of this Book; References; Part I Sneak Circuit Phenomena; Chapter 2 Sneak Circuits of Resonant Switched Capacitor Converters; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Sneak Circuits of Basic RSC Converter; 2.2.1 Sneak Circuits of Basic Step-Down RSC Converter; 2.2.2 Sneak Circuits of Basic Step-Up RSC Converter; 2.2.3 Sneak Circuits of Basic Inverting RSC Converter; 2.2.4 Sneak Circuit Performance of Basic RSC Converters; 2.3 Sneak Circuits of High-Order RSC Converter; 2.3.1 Sneak Circuits of High-Order Step-Down RSC Converter. 2.3.2 Sneak Circuits of High-Order Step-Up RSC Converter2.4 Summary; References; Chapter 3 Sneak Circuits of DC-DC Converters; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Buck Converter; 3.2.1 CCM of Buck Converter; 3.2.2 DCM of Buck Converter; 3.2.3 Operating Conditions of Buck Converter; 3.3 Boost Converter; 3.3.1 CCM of Boost Converter; 3.3.2 DCM of Boost Converter; 3.3.3 Operating Conditions of Boost Converter; 3.4 Buck-Boost Converter; 3.4.1 CCM of Buck-Boost Converter; 3.4.2 DCM of Buck-Boost Converter; 3.4.3 Operating Conditions of Buck-Boost Converter. 3.5 Sneak Circuit Conditions of Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost Converters3.6 C�uk Converter; 3.6.1 Normal Operating Mode of C�uk Converter; 3.6.2 Sneak Circuit Phenomena of C�uk Converter; 3.6.3 Experimental Verification of C�uk Converter; 3.7 Sepic Converter; 3.7.1 Normal Operating Mode of Sepic Converter; 3.7.2 Sneak Circuit Phenomena of Sepic Converter; 3.7.3 Experimental Verification of Sepic Converter; 3.8 Zeta Converter; 3.8.1 Normal Operating Mode of Zeta Converter; 3.8.2 Sneak Circuit Phenomena of Zeta Converter; 3.8.3 Experimental Verification of Zeta Converter. 3.9 Sneak Circuit Conditions of C�uk, Sepic, and Zeta Converters3.10 Summary; References; Chapter 4 Sneak Circuits of Soft-Switching Converters; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Sneak Circuits of Full-Bridge ZVS PWM Converter; 4.2.1 Normal Operating Mode of FB ZVS PWM Converter; 4.2.2 Zero Voltage Switching Conditions of FB ZVS PWM Converter; 4.2.3 Sneak Circuit Phenomena of FB ZVS PWM Converter; 4.2.4 Operating Conditions of FB ZVS PWM Converter; 4.2.5 Experimental Verification of FB ZVS PWM Converter; 4.3 Sneak Circuits of Buck ZVS Multi-Resonant Converter.
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This book describes the sneak circuit phenomena in power converters, introduces some SCA methods for power electronic systems and proposes how to eliminate and make use of sneak circuits. Topics include: fundamental concepts, SCA of resonant switched capacitor converters, SC of DC-DC converters, SC analysis method (including Boolian matrix), and applications of SC in power converters. It highlights the advanced research works in the sneak circuit analysis and offers guidelines for industry professionals involved in the design of power electronic systems, enabling early detection of potential problems.