Hyperbolic dynamics, fluctuations, and large deviations/ D. Dolgopyat, Y. Pesin, M. Pollicott, L. Stoyanov, editors. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, [2015] - viii, 339 pages: illustrations; 26 cm. - Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics; volume 89 . - Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics; v. 89. .

"Special Semester on Hyperbolic Dynamics, Large Deviations and Fluctuations, January-June, 2013, Center Interfacultaire Bernoulli, âEcole Polytechnique Fâedâerale de Lausanne, Switzerland."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9781470411121 (alk. paper) 1470411121 (alk. paper)


Differentiable dynamical systems.
Statistical physics.
Large deviations.

515.39 / H998