Journal of Soviet mathematics. - New York: Consultants Bureau, 1973-93. - 67 v.; 28 cm. - 30 issues a year, -1993 - Twelve issues a year 18 issues a year, <1981-> 24 issues a year, - v. 1-67; Jan./Feb. 1973-Dec. 1993.

Electronics and communications abstracts journal (Riverdale) 0361-3313 ISMEC bulletin 0306-0039 Pollution abstracts with indexes 0032-3624 Safety science abstracts journal 0160-1342 Mathematical reviews 0025-5629 Computer and information systems abstracts journal 0191-9776 Current mathematical publications 0361-4794 Index of mathematical papers 0019-3917 Zentralblatt für Mathematik

A translation of the following Russian language journals: Itogi nauki. Seri­iČa matematika; Problemy matematicheskogo analiza; and: Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov Leningradskogo otdeleni­iČa Matematicheskogo instituta im. V.A. Steklova AN SSSR (LOMI), and others . Formed by the union of: Progress in mathematics; Problems in mathematical analysis; and: Seminars in mathematics.

0090-4104 = Journal of Soviet mathematics. = J. Sov. math.


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