Computers and graphics.
- New York: Pergamon Press, 1990-
- v.: ill.; 28 cm.
- 6 issues a year, 1993-
- Four issues a year, -1992
- v. 1- May 1975-
"An international journal of applications in computer graphics."
Computer & control abstracts 0036-8113 May 1975- Electrical & electronics abstracts 0036-8105 May 1975- Physics abstracts 0036-8091 May 1975- Electronic publishing abstracts 0739-2907 Electronics and communications abstracts journal (Riverdale) 0361-3313 Engineering index annual (1968) 0360-8557 Engineering index bioengineering abstracts 0736-6213 Engineering index energy abstracts 0093-8408 Engineering index monthly (1984) 0742-1974 FLUIDEX 1975- International aerospace abstracts 0020-5842 ISMEC bulletin 0306-0039 Pollution abstracts with indexes 0032-3624 Safety science abstracts journal 0160-1342 Ship abstracts 0346-1025
= Computers and graphics.
= Comput. graph.
Computer graphics---Periodicals.