Chekhoslovatski matematicheskii zhurnal.: Czechoslovak mathematical journal. Czechoslovak mathematical journal - Praha: Academia, - v.: ill., 21-25 cm. - Quarterly - v. 1-18, 1951-1968.

Mathematical reviews 0025-5629 19 -1968

Vols. 1-18 called also v. 76-93 continuing the volume numbering of #Casopis pro pèstování matematiky a fysiky.

Issued by Matematicky ústav of the #Ceskoslovenská akademie vèd.

An ed., mostly in Russian and English, of: #Casopis pro pèstovani matematiky. Absorbed the English ed.: #Casopis pro pèstování matematiky. Czechoslovak mathematical journal, published separately 1951-52.

0528-9181 = Cehoslovackij matematiceskij zurnal = Ceh. mat. z.


sn 90000196
