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Books Books Castorina Estantes Abertas (Open Shelves) Livros (Books) 511.3 S253 1997 IMPA (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1 Available 39063000133267

"NSF Science and Technology Center in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. A consortium of Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT&T Labs, Bell Labs, and Bellcore."

Includes bibliographical references.

Finding hard instances of the satisfiabilty problem : a survey / Stephen A. Cook and David G. Mitchell -- Algorithms for the satisfiability (SAT) problem : a survey / Jun Gu ... [et al.] -- Backtracking and probing / Paul Walton Purdom and G. Neil Haven -- Relative size of certain polynomial time solvable subclasses of satisfiability / J. Franco -- Complexity of hierarchically and 1-dimensional periodically specified problems I : hardness results / Madhav V. Marathe ... [et al.] -- Worst-case analysis, 3-SAT decision and lower bounds : approaches for improved SAT algorithms / Oliver Kullmann -- Satisfiability of 3CNF formulas with small clause/variable-ratio / Kazuo Iwama and Kazuya Takaki -- Propositional search efficiency and first-order theorem proving / David A. Plaisted and Geoffrey D. Alexander -- Branching rules for propositional satisfiabilty test / Jinchang Wang -- A discrete Lagrangian-based global-search method for solving satisfiability problems / Benjamin W. Wah and Yi Shang -- Approximate solution of weighted MAX-SAT problems using GRASP / M.G.C. Resende, L.S. Pitsoulis, and P.M. Pardalos -- Multispace search for satisfiability and NP-hard problems / Jun Gu -- A branch and cut algorithm for MAX-SAT and weighted MAX-SAT / Steve Joy, John Mitchell, and Brian Borchers -- Surrogate constraint analysis : new heuristics and learning schemes for satisfiabilty problems / Arne Lªkketangen and Fred Glover -- A general stochastic approach to solving problems with hard and soft constraints / Henry Kautz, Bart Selman, and YueYen Jiang -- Some fundamental properties of Boolean ring normal forms / Jieh Hsiang and Guan Shieng Huang -- The polynomial time decidability of simulation relations for finite state processes : a HORNSAT based approach / Sandeep K. Shukla ... [et al.] -- A better upper bound for the unsatisfiabilty threshold / Lefteris M. Kirousis, Evangelos Kranakis, and Danny Krizanc -- Solving MAX-SAT with non-oblivious functions and history-based heuristics / Roberto Battiti and Marco Protasi -- On the imbalance of distributions of solutions of CNF-formulas and its impact on satisfiability solvers / Ewald Speckenmeyer, Max Böhm, and Peter Heusch -- On the use of second order derivatives for the satisfiability problem / Hans van Maaren -- Local search for channel assignment in cellular mobile networks / Craig K. Rushforth and Wei Wang -- A GRASP clustering technique for circuit partitioning / Shawki Areibi and Anthony Vannelli .

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