Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855. (Personal Name)
His Magnetischer verein, GÌottingen. Resultate aus den beobachtungen ... 1836-41.
LCCN 58-15844: Reichardt, H. C.F. Gauss Gedenkband anlasslich des 100. Todestages am 23. Februar 1955, 1957 (hdg.: Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 1777-1855; usage: C.F. Gauss)
LC data base, 9-16-85 (hdg.: Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 1777-1855; usage: Carl Friedrich Gauss; C.F. Gauss)
Brockhaus Enc., 17th ed. (Gauss, Carl Friedrich; b. 4/30/1777; d. 2/23/1855)
LCCN 05-31473: His Theory of the motion of the heavenly bodies moving about the sun in conic sections, 1857 (hdg.: Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 1777-1855; usage: ... Carolo Friderico Gavss)
Misura assoluta dell'intensit#a della forza magnetica terrestre, 1838: t.p. (Carlo Federico Gauss)