United States. Office of Naval Research. (Corporate Name)
The following subdivisions have not been used as headings: Biological Sciences Division; Branch Office; Civilian Personnel Division; Environmental Physiology Branch; Fluid Mechanics Branch; Human Relations and Morale Branch; Human Resources Division; Information Systems Branch; Manpower Branch; Mechanics and Materials Section; Mechanics Branch; Microbiology Branch; Office of the Development Coordinator; Personnel and Training Branch; Planning Division; Psychophysiology Branch; Physiological Psychology Branch; Study Group on Microelectronics .
Its Across the top of the world, 1947.
SQUID applications to geophysics, 1981: t.p. (Office of Naval Research)
ªAha Hulikoªa Hawaiian Winter Workshop (2nd : 1984 : University of Hawaii at Manoa). Internal gravity waves ... 1984: t.p. (U.S. Office of Naval Research)
Office of Naval Research, guide to programs, 1987: t.p. (Office of Naval Research, Office of the Chief of Naval Research)
Phone call to Office of the Chief of Naval Research, 8/2/88 (Office of the Chief of Naval Research is the parent body)
Created 1946.