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Vicente Córdoba, José Luis (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Vicente Córdoba, José Luis

Includes old catalog headings: Vicente, José L.; Vincente Córdoba, José Luis.

International Conference on Algebraic Geometry (2nd : 1984 : La Rábida). Géométrie algébrique et applications, c1987: v. 1-3, t.p. (J.-L. Vincente) spine, cover, p. vii (J.L. Vicente)

Hironaka, H. Lectures on introduction to the theory of infinitely near singular points, 1971: t.p. (José Luis Vicente Córdoba)

LC data base 1/21/88 (hdgs.: Vicente, José L.; Vincente Córdoba, José Luis; usage: José L. Vicente; José Luis Vicente Córdoba)

Complex analytic desingularization, c1998: CIP t.p. (José Luis Vicente) t.p. verso (professor, Depto. Algebra, Facultad de Mathematicas, Univ. de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain) data sheet (b. Sept. 4, 1941)

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