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Instytut Badan Jadrowych (Poland). (Corporate Name)

Preferred form: Instytut Badan Jadrowych (Poland).

Its Report, 1962-

Polish research guide, 1974: p. 76 (Instytut BadaÈn J#adrowych)

Informator nauki pol., 1980-81: p. 1068 (Instytut BadaÈn Jàdrowych w ÈSwierku)p. 506 (Instytut BadaÈn Jàdrowych); 1983, t. 1: p. 8 (By decree of 12-13-82 Instytut BadaÈn Jàdrowych reorg. into Instytut Energii Atomowej [no publs. in LC data base] Instytut Problemów Jàdrowych and Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jàdrowej [no publs. in LC data base]

LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Warsaw. Instytut BadaÈn J#adrowych; usage: Instytut BadaÈn J#adrowych; formerly supervised by Polish Academy of Sciences)

Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, Proceedings of the ... 24-31 May 1981: t.p. (Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw); May 29-June 4, 1983: t.p. (Institute of Nuclear Problems, Warsaw)

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