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Nonlinear boundary value problems (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Nonlinear boundary value problems

Work cat.: NelinÁeinye kraevye zadachi obyknovennykh differen­t²sial#nykhuravnenÁii, 1985.

Kubí#cek, M. Numerical solution of nonlinear boundary value problems with applications, 1983: p. ix (... nonlinear ordinary differential equations with split boundary conditions)

Math. subj. classif. (nonlineary boundary value problems, 34B15)

CompuMath cit. index (nonlineary boundary-v.; Boundary-value problems, Nonlinear)

McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.; Web. 3; Eisenreich, G. Dict. of math.; James. Math. dict.; Glenn, J. Dict. of math.

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