Boundary Integral Equations

Hsiao, George C

Boundary Integral Equations [electronic resource]/ by George C. Hsiao, Wolfgang L. Wendland. - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. - digital. - Applied Mathematical Sciences, 164 0066-5452; . - Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.); 164 .

This book is devoted to the basic mathematical properties of solutions to boundary integral equations and presents a systematic approach to the variational methods for the boundary integral equations arising in elasticity, fluid mechanics, and acoustic scattering theory. It may also serve as the mathematical foundation of the boundary element methods. The latter have recently become extremely popular and efficient computational tools in applications. The authors are well known for their fundamental work on boundary integral equations and related topics. This book is a major scholarly contribution to the modern theory of boundary integral equations and should be accessible and useful to a large community of mathematical analysts, applied mathematicians, engineers and scientists .


10.1007/978-3-540-68545-6 doi

Differential equations, Partial.
Computer science--Mathematics.
Numerical analysis.
Engineering mathematics.

518 518
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