Birationally Rigid Fano Threefold Hypersurfaces/

Cheltsov, Ivan, 1973

Birationally Rigid Fano Threefold Hypersurfaces/ Ivan Cheltsov, Jihun Park. - v, 117 pages: illustrations; 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, no. 1167 0065-9266; . - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 1167. .

"Volume 246, number 1167 (sixth of 6 numbers), March 2017."

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction -- Smooth points and curves -- Singular points -- Birational involutions -- Proof of main theorem.

Text in English.

9781470423162 1470423162


Threefolds (Algebraic geometry)
Surfaces, Algebraic.
Rigidity (Geometry)

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