Élie Cartan (1869 - 1951)/
Akivis, M. A.
Élie Cartan (1869 - 1951)/ M.A. Akivis, B.A. Rosenfeld. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2011. - 317p. cm. - Translations of Mathematical Monographs; no. 123 . - Translations of mathematical monographs, no. 123. .
0821853554 9780821853559
510.92 / A315e
Élie Cartan (1869 - 1951)/ M.A. Akivis, B.A. Rosenfeld. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2011. - 317p. cm. - Translations of Mathematical Monographs; no. 123 . - Translations of mathematical monographs, no. 123. .
0821853554 9780821853559
510.92 / A315e