Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition: international workshop EMMCVPR'97, Venice, Italy, May 21-23, 1997: proceedings/

Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition: international workshop EMMCVPR'97, Venice, Italy, May 21-23, 1997: proceedings/ Marcello Pelillo, Edwin R. Hancock, eds. - Berlin: New York: Springer, c1997. - xii, 548 p.: ill.; 24 cm. - Lecture notes in computer science; 1223 .

Papers presented at the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, held at the University of Venice, Italy

Includes bibliographical references and index.

3540629092 (alk. paper)


Computer vision--Congresses.
Pattern recognition systems--Congresses.
Neural networks (Computer science)--Congresses.
Evolutionary computation.--Congresses.
Simulated annealing (Mathematics)--Congresses.
Processamento Grafico (Graphics)

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