Statistical theory and methodology in science and engineering/
Brownlee, K. A. 1918-
Statistical theory and methodology in science and engineering/ [by] K. A. Brownlee. - 2d ed. - New York: Wiley, [1965]. - xvi, 590 p.: illus., 24 cm. - A Wiley publication in applied statistics, .
Includes bibliographies.
Mathematical statistics.
Experimental design.
519.5 / B885s
Statistical theory and methodology in science and engineering/ [by] K. A. Brownlee. - 2d ed. - New York: Wiley, [1965]. - xvi, 590 p.: illus., 24 cm. - A Wiley publication in applied statistics, .
Includes bibliographies.
Mathematical statistics.
Experimental design.
519.5 / B885s