Dynamical systems and microphysics: geometry and mechanics : the proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Mathematical Theory of Dynamical Systems and Microphysics held at the International Center for Mechanical Sciences at Udine, Italy, from September 1 to 11, 1981/

Dynamical systems and microphysics: geometry and mechanics : the proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Mathematical Theory of Dynamical Systems and Microphysics held at the International Center for Mechanical Sciences at Udine, Italy, from September 1 to 11, 1981/ edited by André Avez, Austin Blaquière, Angelo Marzollo. - New York: Academic Press, 1982. - xiii, 465 p.: ill.; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.


82013791 //r93

Geometry, Differential---Congresses.
System theory---Congresses.
Mathematical physics---Congresses.
Géométrie différentielle---Congrés.
Systemes, théorie des--Congres.
Physique mathématique.--Congres.

515.39 / D997
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