Ordinary differential equations: stability and periodic solutions/
Rouche, Nicolas
Ordinary differential equations: stability and periodic solutions/ N. Rouché, J. Mawhin ; R. E. Gaines, translator. - 1st English ed. - Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1980. - viii, 260 p.: ill.; 25 cm. - Surveys and reference works in mathematics .
Translation of v. 2. of Équations différentielles ordinaires. Includes index.
Bibliography: p. [233]-258.
0273084194 : $30.00
80013039 //r83
Differential equations.
515.35 / R854o
Ordinary differential equations: stability and periodic solutions/ N. Rouché, J. Mawhin ; R. E. Gaines, translator. - 1st English ed. - Boston: Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1980. - viii, 260 p.: ill.; 25 cm. - Surveys and reference works in mathematics .
Translation of v. 2. of Équations différentielles ordinaires. Includes index.
Bibliography: p. [233]-258.
0273084194 : $30.00
80013039 //r83
Differential equations.
515.35 / R854o