Geometrical aspects of functional analysis: Israel seminar, 1985-86/

Geometrical aspects of functional analysis: Israel seminar, 1985-86/ J. Lindenstrauss, V. D. Milman (eds.). - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1987. - 212 p.; 25 cm. - Lecture notes in mathematics; 1267. . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag); 1267. .

"Proceedings of the Israel Seminar on the Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis which was held between October 1985 and June 1986".

Includes bibliographical references.

3540181032 (Berlin) 0387181032 (New York)


Banach spaces---Congresses.
Functional analysis---Congresses.

510 s 515.7/32
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