Free probability theory/
Free probability theory/
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu, editor.
- Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1997.
- vii, 312 p.: ill.; 26 cm.
- Fields Institute communications, 12. .
- Fields Institute communications; v. 12. .
Papers from a workshop on random matrices and operator algebra free products held Mar. 1995 at the Fields Institute.
Includes bibliographical references.
0821806750 (alk. paper)
Operator algebras---Congresses.
Selfadjoint operators---Congresses.
Free products (Group theory)---Congresses.
Papers from a workshop on random matrices and operator algebra free products held Mar. 1995 at the Fields Institute.
Includes bibliographical references.
0821806750 (alk. paper)
Operator algebras---Congresses.
Selfadjoint operators---Congresses.
Free products (Group theory)---Congresses.